Solimar - The Trade Desk


Creative Direction:‍ Jorge R. Canedo E.

Production: Stefan Green

Art Direction:‍ Grace Pedersen

Design:‍ Grace Pedersen, Lorena G., Avikali Lomavatu, Annika McFarlane, Haewon Shin

Animation:‍ Jose Peña, Victor Silva, Manuel Neto, Greg Stewart, Paul Slemmer, Daniel Duncan, Francisco Quiles, Steve Savalle, Jorge R. Canedo E.

‍Music & SFX: Ambrose Yu

At the end of the day, there's a moment when the sun and the sea meet, and the sky is filled with a beautiful array of colors — if you’ve ever experienced this, you know it's magical.

Solimar, The Trade Desk's newest product, was born out of this moment, and it was the inspiration for the entire look of both the product and the event launching it.

I was very lucky to take tiny part of this project with Ordinary Folk and I was in charge of style-frame design. Here are the frames I worked on.

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